10 June 2008


adını bile soramam (even l cant ask your name)
maksadımı aşamam (i cant exceed my intention)
*i dont say much more thing which i dont want to say)
şiddetin meşru haline bakıp ağlayamam
(i cant cry looking violence's legal condition)
ne kadar güzel (how much it is beautiful)
ne kadar sıcak (how much it is hot)
ne kadar yakın (how much it is near)
o kadar uzak (that as much as far away)
şirket mirket anlamam (l dont understand companyor such like)
(l dont understand anything)
anlasam da anlamam (even l undeestand, i dont understand)
(even l seem that l understand it is not mean that l really understood)
bana saldırıyorsa (if they attack me)
gözünün yaşına bakamam (l cant consider their tears)(l dont pity)
adaleti sarmış kumandalı bir cinnet (commander insnaity surronded justice)
(means television(which has got commander) made us addicted to screen.)
vahşeti gördüm, korkmadım (l saw the wildness, i didnt afraid)
hasar yok içimde (there is no damage inside me)

maske takmadan üstüme gelmek zor muydu? (was it hard to come to me without mask?)
*are u afraid of to show your face?)
adı olmayanların sesi de yok mu? (dont they have a voice who havent got name?
(the people who are not VIP havent got a right to say sth,to talk?)

[mor ve ötesi's songs have very diffrent meaning under it.they are playing with words]

An amazing concept for a video clip..
a band I'm growing in love with. Very good!!
If anyone can contribute with a better translation from Turkish,
please contact me!
kappa MYSTA

And Their 'Eurovision 2008' entry, called DELI

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