30 July 2008

gr: Αλλαγή πολιτικής της Γαλλίας σε σχέση με "ΤΔΒΚ"


(...) Φρένο στις θεωρήσεις «διαβατηρίων» του ψευδοκράτους έβαλε μετά από πολλά χρόνια αντίθετης πρακτικής η Πρεσβεία της Γαλλίας στην Κύπρο.
Αυτό αναφέρεται στο πρωτοσέλιδο θέμα της τ/κ εφημερίδας «Σταρ Κίμπρις», η οποία αποκαλύπτει ότι μετά από 13 ολόκληρα χρόνια η Πρεσβεία της Γαλλίας αναθεώρησε την τακτική της και δεν παρέχει βίζα σε όσους Τ/Κ παρουσιάζουν έγγραφα του ψευδοκράτους.

Συγκεκριμένα, η εφημερίδα, υπό τον τίτλο «περίεργο βέτο», σημειώνει ότι η αλλαγή στην πρακτική επήλθε από την 1η Ιουλίου λόγω απόφασης που λήφθηκε τον περασμένο Απρίλη. Να σημειωθεί ότι οι θεωρήσεις «διαβατηρίων» γίνονταν, βάσει του δημοσιεύματος, μέσω του γαλλικού εκπαιδευτικού ιδρύματος που λειτουργεί στα κατεχόμενα κατόπιν συνεννόησης με την Πρεσβεία.
Παράλληλα, η εφημερίδα γράφει πως δεν γίνεται θεώρηση ακόμα και των τουρκικών διαβατηρίων που έχουν εκδοθεί από την «πρεσβεία» της Τουρκίας στα κατεχόμενα, γεγονός που αναγκάζει τους Τ/Κ να στραφούν αποκλειστικά προς την εξασφάλιση διαβατηρίων της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας. «Η δικαιολογία που προβάλλεται είναι ότι η Γαλλία δεν αναγνωρίζει την ΤΔΒΚ ούτε τα έγγραφα που εκδίδονται από αυτή», καταλήγει το δημοσίευμα (...)

Μετά από 13 χρόνια, σταμάτησαν οι θεωρήσεις "νομικών εγγράφων" κράτους που δεν υφίσταται νομικά όσον αφορά το Γαλλικό κράτος πάντα, και την Πρεσβεία του στην ελεύθερη ΚΥΠΡΟ... Γιατί μπορεί να μην το αναγνώριζαν το ψευδοκράτος, αλλά τα "διαβατήρια" που εξέδιδε τα δεχόταν η πρεσβεία... 

Αυτά περί νομικής υπόστασης και αναγνώρισης του ψευδοκράτους...

...όταν λέμε δεν αναγνωρίζουμε ένα κρατίδιο, ε.., τότε κανονικά ΔΕΝ αναγνωρίζουμε ούτε τις παράγωγες νομικές του "πράξεις"... 13 χρόνια μετά.. γιατί τους νόμους και τη δικαιοσύνη ο άνθρωπος εποίησεν...

kappa MYSTA

20 July 2008

en: 34 years later...

Charita Mandoles...
a woman who suffered not only the loss of four members of her family (her husband, her father and her two brothers in law) during the Turkish Invasion in Cyprus the Summer of 1974, but also the misinformation of where their bodies lied. The search and struggle to find and bury her relative's bodies ended 34 years later, when just yesterday the burial of the bones of her relatives took place in St.Athanasios, Lemessos, Cyprus, after having found the bones in a common grave in the village "Elia Karava", in the occupied (still) by the Turkish army part of the island of Cyprus, and after having identified them with the DNA method.

Imagine that...
To be able to morn and burry your loved ones 34 years later...

34 years (!)...
408 months...
more than 12,000 days...

Charita Mandoles became a symbol and a voice for all the people who lost their loved ones during the invastion and who did not know if their people were alive or dead, where these people or their bodies rested...

As a child growing up in Cyprus, I remember her figure, her pain, her cry... The tone of her voice... A deep pain. Later on and as the time went by, growing strong friendships and falling in love, having to make a hard choice of dismissing people from my life, or even being the outcast of other people's lives, I've had my share of "loss". I know what this pain feels like... This pain that words have such limited power to even begin to describe. I guess we all have felt this kind of pain... Missing people who are away from us... Loved ones! People who we consider(ed) important to us, a big part of our lives.. a part of who we are or who we've become. We all know how "loss" feels like, how it "smells" differently every single time of our days... So, I though, if I 've had this taste before, imagine having it every morning with your morning coffee, for 34 years, not knowing if your people are alive, if they 're dead. Not knowing where these people are... Whether they still exist.. 


My mom called me to let me know she felt like going to the burial service, and so she did. The church was filled with people from all around the island. People who you could not tell if they were relatives or if they knew Charita in person. People in deep sorrow. People who felt they needed to be there anyway... Just like my mom.

Someone asked a crying man nearby:
- did you know these people? were they your closed ones? (...).
The man replied:
- they all are everyone's people...

kappa MYSTA

Related Articles from CYPRUS:

18 July 2008

gr: Kάνε μια Χάρη στον Εαυτό σου...

Μα δε το βλέπεις;
Δεν έχει νόημα ο φόβος της σιωπής
Δεν έχει αξία χωρίς ζωή η αναπνοή
και το μέλλον από κάπου ξεκινά...
από μια στιγμή...

Μα δε το βλέπεις;
Ο χρόνος είναι μια ψευδαίσθηση, ένα χάδι
κι ο πόνος φέρνει την αγάπη τη μεγάλη
κι όλα απ'την αρχή παίρνουν ζωή,
όλα ξαφνικά έχουν νόημα και πάλι...

Μα δε το βλέπεις;
ένα φιλί είναι ικανό να σε πονέσει
και τη ψυχή σου σ'έναν έρωτα να δέσει
μα δε το βλέπεις,
πως φοβάσαι μα σ'αρέσει;!

Κάνε μια Χάρη στον Εαυτό σου κι έλα Φίλα με...

(Copyright © 2008, kappa MYSTA, Mykonos 2008, July 07)

[BACK STAGE] project coming up soon...

14 July 2008

gr: απορία...

Τι να'ν'αυτό που κάνει τους ανθρώπους να φοβούνται να ζήσουν τελικα; (...)
kappa MYSTA

09 July 2008

gr/en: Here's to the crazy ones...

here's to the crazy ones... 
(στην υγειά των "τρελλών")
the misfits...
(των απροσάρμοστων)
the rebels...
(των επαναστατών)
the troublemakers...
(των απροσάρμοστων)


this is y I love Apple
(...να γιατι αγαπάω την Apple)
b-coz the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world...
(γιατί εκείνοι που είναι αρκετά "τρελλοί" να πιστεύουν ότι μπορούν ν'αλλάξουν τον κόσμο...)
...are the ones who do!
(αυτοί είναι τελικά που τον αλλάζουν!)


04 July 2008

en: Thoughts on love... because of a song

Is this what we call love...?!
being on the edge , about to die for some1? or is it to live for some1?
I was recently thinking that love is suppose to make us better people... Not destroy us.. It suppose to lift us up and make us evolve into a better and healthier existence.
For years and years I loved this song without knowing why, although i must admit that my first reaction when I was twelve (1992) was "oh, my God! what a boring song this is...". Later on, I came to respect and just adore Anna's performance... She used to be such an amazing performer...
The Song is simple, yet powerful.. it would make an amazing tango..
kappa MYSTA

An idea of what the lyrics say:

I dont want you to know that for the past two months I'm always at home alone.
I dont want you to know how ugly I feel with black bags under my eyes.
I dont want you to know that I dont care if I live or I die.
I dont want you to know how much I love you.
I dont want you to know that I spend my time waiting for a phone call from you.
I dont want you to know that I wear you clothes so I can feel you close to me.
I dont want you to know that I lost my appetite and I've lost half my weight.
I dont want you to know that I think of you day and night.
I dont want you to know that I'd do anything for you.

I don't want you to know that because of you I drink 'till I'm drunk.
I don't want you to know that because of you I feel I'm falling into a comma
Like an old picture my color is gradually fading away.
I dont want you to know that I'd do anything for you.
I dont want you to know that I'm still living for you.

I dont want you to know that when they tell you that I'm fine it's all just lies.
I dont want you to know that I'm always in the same room living with shadows and ghosts.
I dont want you to know that I fall asleep in the mornings only after I've taken sleeping pills.
I dont want you to know that for me you are everything.
I dont want you to know that everything going on in the world does not matter to me.
I dont want you to know that I dont care about anything anymore I feel so emotionless.
I dont want you to know that I'm alway alone and I dont want to see anyone.
I dont want you to know how much I love you.

(Lyrics & Music by N.Karvellas)

01 July 2008

gr/en: 700 euro generation / Η Γενιά των 700 ευρώ

Just as you thought...
I am too moving away from my beloved Greece (hope not for long) due to the reality that this documentary presents... For those of you who do not read or understand greek, I tried to translate part of the story... For those who do, its worth watching this video:

700 euro generation
Live your myth in Greece!

I need to thank the people blogging on "yesmrbob.blogspot.com" for putting this up on the internet. This is an amazing documentary about the "700 euro Generation" in which I am a part of...

This documentary was played on air by ERT (the National Broadcaster of Greece), during a show called "Reportage With No Boundaries" (=Ρεπορταζ Χωρίς Σύνορα), devoted to the generation of people holding University degrees and getting paid a monthly salary of 700 euros.

It seems that in the beginning, the management of ERT denied the broadcast of this documentary, alleging a variety of unreasonable justifications, leading to a final decision to broadcast it on air at the same time with the Eurovision Song Contest of 2008.

ERT terminated the co-operation with Mr. Stelios Koylogloy, in the begining of May 2008, announcing the end of a cycle of his TV shows... According to the newspaper "Eleftherotypia - Enet", president of ERT broadcasting channel, Mr. Panagopoylos, explained that the reasons for such a decision are not of a political point of view, but simply because he doesn't like the chosen content of the TV show "Reportage With No Boundaries", and thus he believes that the need for such a show no longer exists [ (...)«Είπα στον κ. Κούλογλου ότι δεν μου αρέσει η εκπομπή, δεν μου χρειάζεται και πιστεύω ότι ο κύκλος της έκλεισε (...) Διέψευσε όμως τους ισχυρισμούς περί «πολιτικών λόγων» (...)]

Mr. Koylogloy explains on the above reportage the following:
"In order for the young people of Greece to get into University, they go through the most exhausting and stressful examinations, which cannot begin to be compared to the rest of the world.. Upon their graduation, they start working for as less as 700 euros. This fact undermines the future of this country. It is gradually preparing the ground for a new immigration wave. It is the first time after the war that the new generations are expected to live worse than the previous. This documentary is not serving any interests of any political opposition party, or governmental for that matter. This is so much more. It actually is an alarm for our country." (you can find the article in greek here)


Related Links in Greek / Σχετικοί σύνδεσμοι στα Ελληνικά